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A series of fun and functional out-loud musings.

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
Some second-best friend with two brand archetypes Kim turned out to be.
Sometimes it's tough to narrow your brand's brand voice, attributes and motivations down to align with just one brand archetype;...

Carmen Petropulo
4 min read
Part and parcel of the world's greatest sporting code: an open thank you note to the AFL
When you receive a gift, it's custom in many cultures to respond with a thank you note. In a year that's taken so much from so many, I...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
When your brand is so awesome, it needs two archetypes
"I prefer to appear at the exact moment I'm needed". I'd been looking forward to writing this post about Donna Paulsen from Suits for...

Carmen Petropulo
4 min read
That's what I like (and miss) about football.
The view from a Victorian Aussie Rules Supporter in Lockdown. If you're an Aussie Rules supporter over the age of 30, you'll probably...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
You wanna go where everybody knows your brand.
"Not many people know this, but I happen to be famous". With social disconnection and isolation an ongoing theme and concern in 2020, I...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
Brands with two archetypes: why it can be "a big bowl" of right.
"I don't like talking to people I know, but strangers I have no problem with." While it's always preferable to have one clear brand...

Carmen Petropulo
3 min read
When a brand with two archetypes shines, all of us shine!
"You are blind to reality; and for that, I am most proud." Settling on just one brand archetype for your brand is much tougher than it...

Carmen Petropulo
1 min read
Is it a brand with one or two archetypes? I just want to know how much time I have.
"I'm in Psychoville and Finkle's the Mayor." My example of a brand with two archetypes this week is the inimitable Ace Ventura. A pet...

Carmen Petropulo
1 min read
Whatever brand archetype I wanna be. Gosh!
“It’s pretty much my favourite animal. It’s like a lion and a tiger mixed… bred for its skills in magic.” If you're struggling to choose...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger brand with two archetypes.
Liz Lemon: "What a year, huh?" Jack: "Lemon, it's February." When working through your brand strategy, it's crucial to identify and...

Carmen Petropulo
1 min read
Enduring Melbourne landmark indelibly damaged in a matter of minutes
I was so sad to learn of the wanton - and possibly indelible - vandalism of one of Melbourne's most cherished landmarks recently. There...

Carmen Petropulo
1 min read
Would you believe: a brand with two archetypes and a boy scout with rabies?
Max to Chief: "Destroy him?! You can't destroy Hymie. Hymie's my friend." Chief: "Max, this friend just broke through my office door,...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
If you've got a minute, I'd love a brief word
Expecting a good outcome from a bad brief, is like briefing a locksmith over the phone and expecting the key to fit your lock. Over the...

Carmen Petropulo
1 min read
Honey, a brand with two archetypes never hurt anybody!
"Sorry I'm late. I got here as soon as I wanted to." Have we witnessed a sassier sitcom character in recent memory? Will and Grace's...

Carmen Petropulo
1 min read
Planes, trains and brands with two archetypes.
"We'd have more luck playing pick-up-sticks with our butt cheeks than we will getting out of here by daybreak". Questionable turns of...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
The one with the two brand archetypes: The Ruler and The Caregiver
"Now, I need you to be careful and efficient. And remember: If I am harsh with you, it's only because you're doing it wrong." If you're...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
'The Explorer' brand archetype: eight attributes you should know about this freedom seeker.
"Well, I don't even really work here..." Kramer's response to his boss firing him because he "appeared to have [pause] no business...

Carmen Petropulo
3 min read
'The Hero' brand archetype: seven ways your brand can also tell 'em to get stuffed.
"Compulsorily acquired? You know what this means don't you? They're acquiring it compulsorily!" It's true. Not all heroes wear capes. And...

Carmen Petropulo
2 min read
'The Lover' brand archetype: six attributes your brand may share with this striking beauty
Do you remember the scene in Fawlty Towers, when a guest called out to maid Polly, "Waitress?". And Polly responded, "Yes?". The guest...

Carmen Petropulo
3 min read
'The Sage' brand archetype. 10 attributes you may share with this wise and assured philosopher.
"You'll have bad times. But it'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to." Why is it that some of the...
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