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I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger brand with two archetypes.

Liz Lemon: "What a year, huh?" Jack: "Lemon, it's February."

When working through your brand strategy, it's crucial to identify and consistently be guided by your brand archetype. But what if you have two? Read on to find out why 30 Rock's Jack Donaghy has two brand archetypes: The Ruler brand archetype and The Hero brand archetype.

Has there ever been a more beautifully crafted TV Executive character on our small screen than John "Jack" Donaghy from US Sitcom, 30 Rock?

If the monotone, yet exceptionally well-timed delivery of sarcastic wit was a sport, Jack Donaghy would be the team captain - and he'd lead his team to victory on every outing. A little bruised and battered (and possibly even confused), but victorious nonetheless.

If Jack were a brand archetype, he'd be a Ruler (YSL, Rolex - no surprises there); he was shrewd, ambitious and a man of vision.

But it was his emerging Hero (Adidas, Red Cross) archetype traits that sustained him from day dot and were the traits that made for the most compelling viewing. He grew up behind the eight ball: raised in Boston by a single working-class mother, before putting himself through college on a "handsomeness scholarship". And when he wasn't staring into the middle distance - scotch in hand, he encouraged the likes of Liz Lemon and Kenneth to believe in themselves just as much as he did. An innovative spirit and the desire to leave a lasting legacy rounded out one of the greatest TV characters of all time.

On that note, I'll leave you with a classic Jack "Hero" Donaghy quote that best sums up his tenacity and optimism:

"It's 30 minutes away. I'll be there in 10."

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