What's likes got to do, (got to do wit' it)?
If you've noticed that your 'like' count has dropped as a result of Instagram hiding the love recently, you're not alone. Early reports suggest that the platform's users are now scrolling through quicker than ever (which means they're less likely to enjoy your handiwork and far less likely to 'like' your lovingly created content).
So, what are we supposed to do, (supposed to do abou' it)?
+ You could shift your focus to Instagram Stories. Over the past two years alone, Instagram Stories has experienced a 400% increase. If produced correctly (and with direct relevance to your business or personal brand), they can capture the hearts and minds of your audience through storytelling. Your target audience will get to know you and your team a little better, which will help humanize the products or services your business delivers. You can also use this approach to convey that 'why' behind the 'what'; which means that you can demonstrate why your what is that much better than anyone else's.
For instance, if you're a hotel and one of your key selling messages is that all of your linens are ethically sourced through a remote overseas community, you can demonstrate the 'what' (your product) and the 'why' (giving back to communities in need) with a series of behind the scene footage, demonstrating the fascinating process these communities follow in order to produce the linens that your target audience knows and loves.
Think of your Instagram stories as a TV channel, airing a series of feel-good episodes that are designed to 'tell', rather than 'sell.'
+ You could 'stick it to the man'. If you're in the business of being in business, you know just how tough it can be to stay in business and stay relevant on social media. Rumour has it, Instagram are making it even tougher to feel the love (tonight) because they've hidden the 'likes', not to show they care about user self-esteem, but to compel businesses to spend more money on sponsored posts, thereby increasing their cut-through and conversion. Got all that?! My head's spinning, too.
The way I look at it, the solution is relatively simple. If you love and follow a business on Instagram, take that extra heartbeat of time to 'like' their content (if indeed, it is likeable). Better yet, share the posts you really like to your Instagram stories to share the love among your followers. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the number of businesses and individuals who repay the favour.
If we work arm-in-arm together to continue 'liking' each others content at the same rate as we were before, we'll steady the dip - and maybe even reverse the downward trend.
+ You really should get engaged. Keep up the conversation with other accounts; both consumer and business. Respond to comments in a timely and on-brand manner. Comment on other accounts when they really knock it out of the park or pose a really compelling question. Because ultimately, the reason we're on social media in the first place, is to build and sustain relationships with our customers and complementary businesses.
After all, when crisis comes (in this case, visible change), we begin to see that community is the true and irreplaceable infrastructure.